The LiderA system integrate the sustainability throughout the life cycle. The LiderA standard is applied in the different development phases of the life cycle: (1) from the idea to the plan; (2) project, (3) new construction, (4) operation, and (5) refurbishment, even in the (6) demolition.

The proposed system is applied in the different development phases of the life cycle: (1) from the idea to the plan; (2) project, (3) new construction, (4) operation, and (5) rehabilitation / demolition.
The current version available is version 4, which can be applied to different typologies (residential, tourism, commercial and other services) from the house to the building and to the zone or development.
Who usually uses it?
Promoters, Municipalities, Designers, Contractors, Project Managers, Customers and Users of Built Environments.
How is it organized?
It has a set of six principles of good environmental performance (local integration (habitat), resources (flows), management of environmental loads (emissions), quality of service and resilience, socioeconomic experiences and sustainable use), translated into 20 areas and 40 programmatic criteria (programs), in which the constructed environments are evaluated in function of their performance, in the way to the sustainability.

What levels does the system have?
The system classifies the performance from 0 to 10, translated in letters G to A (to A +++), where level 1 or E represents the current practice (or reference) and level 2 or A corresponds, in many criteria, to a performance about 50% higher than level E, with level A + being a Factor 4 (75% higher than level E), level A ++ a Factor 10 (90% higher than level E). In exceptional cases the A +++ level, representative of a regenerative state, can be assigned.
Final value
The twenty (20) areas and forty (40) programmatic criteria have an assigned weighting that allows the calculation of aggregate performance on the same scale from 0 to 10.
A brief presentation of version 4 is available here (6 pages, english version).
The system explanation is available in the LiderA V4 standard (40 pages, english version).