LiderA has been developing various activities, LiderA congresses, presentations and training courses relevant to the search for sustainability, over the last years.
Among the activities planned are:
Training Courses at Fundec
LiderA organizes annual training courses, through Fundec, in person (DECivil, Técnico) or online.
The course aims to provide approaches to include the main aspects of sustainability to be considered in the development of projects, from the perspective of sustainable construction according to LiderA, training LiderA advisors.
To be aware of upcoming courses, follow the social networks:
Congresses and Conferences
LiderA´20 Congress | Guidance and certification of sustainability, January 29, 2020. IST Congress Centre, Lisbon. LiderA organization with support: Técnico, Fundec, CGD, Lisbon City Council.
More information at
International Conference SGA´20 | Sustainability in Environmental Management in Portuguese-speaking Countries, 21 and 22 May 2019, with the support of Técnico, Fundec and the Lisbon City Council – Lisbon European Green Capital. Lisbon Forum.
More information at
International Conference SGA'19
Sustainability in Environmental Management. Innovation and Challenges for Countries of Portuguese Official Language
4 e 5 JUN | Técnico Congress Centre
The increasing importance and challenges of the environment and the search for sustainability (efficiency in the cycles of energy, water, materials and their circularity, climate change, ecosystem services, search for happiness) in ways of managing the environment in organizations and products, introduce new paradigms, innovations and practices that are essential.
These perspectives challenge: environmental management systems (ISO 14001 or EMAS); corporate social responsibility (ISO 26000); development of sustainability reports (GRI); life-cycle assessment (ISO 14040) and eco-labeling of products (ISO 14020); ecosystem services and concepts of happiness; involvement and governance of stakeholders; marketing of products and services.
Portuguese speaking countries comprehend 278 million people; a combined gross national product of 480 billion euros, 7.2% of the planet earth (10.7 million km2), are distributed across four continents: Europe, America, Africa and Asia, with the issues of sustainability in the management environment is one of the important areas sometimes less addressed in the literature and in the discussion.
The objective of SGA'19 is to promote a forum for the presentation of innovations and practices in the form of sustainability search, covering the active participation of organizations from the private, public and social environment, energy, agriculture, commerce, tourism, municipal management, financial services, communication and others.
As well as promoting the technical-scientific discussion in the Portuguese language of the professional and academic communities and strengthening the networks of professionals that incorporate sustainability practices in environmental management in their activities, focusing on the particularities of the Portuguese Speaking Countries.
More information on SGA'19.