Comfortable, efficient, with good environmental, social and economic performance constructions
LiderA, acronym for Leading the Environment for sustainable construction, is a voluntary system that guides and certifies environments in the search for sustainability in buildings and other built environments. It allows to identify ways to improve performance considering creation and value, classifying performance on a factorial scale where 1 is the usual practice (Class E), 2 is an improvement of 2 times or 50% efficiency increase (Class A), and 10 is an improvement of 10 times (Class a ++).

It develops an integrated approach covering environmental, social and economic aspects, which include twenty areas ensuring a global view on the key aspects to consider for sustainability in construction.

LiderA provides strategic and operational specifications to achieve sustainability for each financial capacity. The application allows to increase sustainable performance and certification of sustainability for different typologies (residential, tourism, services, commercial, mixed and infrastructures); different scales (housing to urban areas) and in any phases of life cycle (project, construction, operation and refurbishment).

LiderA4all | Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa | geral[@] | Telef